Thank you for visiting ECRA’s website. Your interest in joining speaks volumes about your passion for Amateur Radio. We understand that as a Ham, you likely share a desire for connection, engagement, and making a difference… along with learning and sharing technical knowledge and… tinkering!

The Front Range has established a robust network of radio communication, and we believe it is time to replicate that success in Eastern Colorado. This region is underserved, with only about 15-18% of Eastern Colorado having access to Amateur Radio repeaters. In contrast, only roughly 65% of the state is covered by cell carriers. This stark reality highlights the need for a reliable communication infrastructure across the region, especially for those of us who traverse these areas frequently and live in these regions.

When considering what you look for in an Amateur Radio club, think about the qualities that resonate with you: support, camaraderie, like-minded individuals, and transparency. At ECRA, we value transparency in our operations and financials—every member deserves to know where their contributions are directed. Your dues support the mission to bridge communication gaps in Eastern Colorado, and we are committed to maintaining open, active and respectful dialogue with all members. We welcome all Hams and even unlicensed folks who share our commitment to fostering a connected future for Eastern Colorado.

What can you offer to ECRA and the broader Eastern Colorado communities? Your skills, ideas, and enthusiasm can play a critical role in shaping our collective endeavors. Together, we can enhance the communication landscape in this region, ensuring that no one feels isolated, regardless of their location.

Join us and make your mark on the future of Amateur Radio in Eastern Colorado!

  • VHF/UHF repeater system(s) and our first of several Allstar nodes, node #64160! Let’s connect and talk!

  • We have monthly membership meetings and in-person get togethers

  • Mucho Activities and ‘projects’

  • Dues are TBD until future ECRA “System 1” is completed summer of 2025

  • Our Board strives to connect with everyone individually. I.E you're not “left out”.

  • Long term we will have at least THREE ECRA repeater systems: VHF/UHF, APRS, Allstar, Echolink, DMR and possibly 10 meters! Along with some very unique projects for repeater systems.

  • Opportunities to be involved with ECRA committee initiatives.

  • Members have a voice within ECRA, the ‘Board’ doesn’t make much of any decisions without the memberships input.

  • Working alongside not just ECRA members but entities that have shown great interest in ECRAs endeavors such as the National Weather Service, SKYWARN groups, Several emergency management representatives, other ham radio clubs/organizations and independent repeater system owners.

  • Website ‘Member Portal’ access to our news, events etc.

  • A collaborative “voice” and representation for eastern Colorado.